I am RussellB, Democratic candidate for Supervisor of Elections, Broward County.

"Unlocking Democracy: A Glimpse into the Supervisor of Elections Office"

Let me tell you what the Supervisor of Elections Office does on a daily basis:

  • Ensuring Fair and Accurate Elections: Oversee all elections in the County, ensuring that the voting process is fair, transparent, and accurate.
  • Voter Registration: Manage the voter registration process, ensuring that every eligible citizen has the opportunity to register and vote.
  • Managing Polling Locations: Organize and manage polling locations, making sure that they are accessible and equipped to handle voters on Election Day.
  • Recruiting and Training Poll Workers: Recruit and train poll workers to ensure that they are prepared to assist voters and manage polling locations effectively.
  • Community Outreach: Engage with the community through outreach programs, educating voters about the electoral process and encouraging participation.
  • Compliance with Election Laws: Ensure compliance with all election laws and regulations, maintaining the integrity of the electoral process.
  • Tabulation and Certification of Election Results: Tabulate and certify election results, ensuring that they are accurate and reliable.
  • Petition Verification and Certification: Verify and certify petitions, ensuring that candidates meet the requirements to appear on the ballot.
  • Candidate Filing and Qualifying: Manage the candidate filing and qualifying process, ensuring that candidates meet all requirements to run for office.
  • Candidate Campaign Report Management and Auditing: Manage and audit candidate campaign reports, ensuring transparency in campaign finance.
  • Record Management: Receive and respond to public records requests, ensuring transparency and accountability in our operations.
  • Assisting and Conducting Municipal Elections: Assist and conduct municipal elections, ensuring that they are conducted fairly and accurately.

At the SOE office, its more than just STAFF; they’re advocates for your rights, enablers of your choices, and protectors of your electoral power. Every ballot cast is a testament to their daily commitment to you and the democratic process.

Why am I Running?

Broward is my Home

Broward County is more than just a place on the map—it's my home, where my dreams have taken root and flourished. I am running for office because I am deeply committed to serving the community that has shaped me into the person I am today. My roots run deep in Broward County, and I want to ensure that it remains a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

I am a Voter

I take immense pride in exercising my right to vote, but I know that my experience is not universal. That's why I pledge to be different. My campaign is not about big donations or empty promises. It's about Listening to you, the Voters.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Join me in this journey to redefine what it means to be a voter. Let's create a community where every vote counts, regardless of background or financial status. Your vote is your voice. and together, we can build a brighter future for Broward County.

We have a plan.

We've crafted a comprehensive plan through extensive consultation. I've engaged with diverse voices, including my millennial children, community groups, and public officials. Their insights have shaped our vision. We're COMMITTED to making the SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS office more Accessible, Secure and Responsive to the needs of Broward County. Together, we'll transform an Invisible office into a Visible Force for positive change.

“I want you to join me to do an impossible thing; Make something invisible, visible.

It's possible only if we answer the call of our community.

Our leaders aren't all representing us well. We need more of us, caring people, to be in positions that matter. We need leaders with a heart.

Help me, help us. I believe we can be a community that gives hope to others, a luminary”

— Russell Bathulia, your choice for the Democratic Candidate for Supervisor of Elections, Broward County.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I support?

I invite you to be a vital part of my campaign by spreading the word to your family and friends. Share my Website, Instagram Page,YouTube Channel, and other social media platforms with them. Your endorsement is incredibly valuable to me.

As Broward County comprises many diverse cities, I need your help to be my voice and hands in your community. In the coming months, I'll be appearing at various events—rally your friends and neighbors to join us. I understand your time is precious, so I appreciate any investment you can make now to support our cause.

I recognize the financial challenges many face, which is why even a small Hi 5! can make a significant difference. Imagine the impact if we all come together to fund this campaign.

Our journey ahead is long, and I want to keep you informed every step of the way. Stay connected by subscribing to my YouTube channel and Instagram page.

Why Russell B?

I'm no different from youan ordinary person on a journey, striving to make a positive impact before my time is done.

I'm dedicated to leaving behind a better world for future generations. Whether it's improving our environment, enhancing Broward County, strengthening our Elections Office, or supporting my family.

Let's work together to make a difference that lasts.

When is SOE elections?

Democratic Elections, the first race is August 20th, 2024




Engage Directly

Reach out to us today and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your electoral goals.

Location: In Broward.

Russell Bathulia for Supervisor of Elections Broward County
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
